Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Whats better hair dye..herbal essence or revlon...which one of the two???

i would say they r both good,, but the best is to go to the salon, store bought hair dyes kill your hair more,,, but it is cheap, I've notices for me,, herbal fades quickly ,,, but everyone is different,,Whats better hair dye..herbal essence or revlon...which one of the two???
colorsilk works for me. i believe its part of the revlon family. also nice and easy is good too. feria is bad.Whats better hair dye..herbal essence or revlon...which one of the two???
I have been dying my hair for years, and have always used the cheapest brand available. I have no damage, and my hair always turns out fine. I don't really notice a difference in brands, although you do get more conditioner with the expensive stuff.
try spending a few more dollars on a more expensive brand, its worth it but if you want one of these brands, go with Revlon the color match is pretty close and it lasts along time :)

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